On our tour, we will focus on the abundant marine creatures, amazing natural history, and rich cultural story of our special area as well as kayaking technique and safety. We may seals and sea lions, jellyfish, bald eagles and many other birds. Even gray whales and orcas every now and then! I’m a geology buff, and this area is rich in astounding geologic history – and kayaks are an amazing platform from which to discover “The Whidbey Formation” as well as many other Ice Age era features – up close.
A peaceful moment with an otter friend …
Often we’re so fortunate to witness some extraordinary animals on our tours. There are a multitude of sea birds including bald eagles, blue heron, king fishers, and puffins. Sometimes seals, sea lions, and otters join us on the tour as well. We’ve even been luck to see a baby coyote on the shore .and on a lucky and rare occasion whales grace us with their presence!